If you are reading this, it means you have some how, some where come across my work, and have either been intrigued or inspired to explore more into this unique wonderland I have created that is my life. But what you may not know is, I have graciously invited you here, not just to find out more about me, or The Body of Art, but truly my intentions are focused toward YOU as a creative, inspiring being. To invite YOU to explore the lengths of your rabbit hole, into the wonderland of your life.
Here is just one of the many platforms where I will contribute the experiences of my journey. I will share that where I draw inspiration from, and my process of integrating it into my life, but with the purpose of have each individual who follows, find even if just for a moment how they are capable of drawing from inspiration, to BECOME INSPIRATION for another.
Its the only way I know how to do things. There is just too much beauty to behold, within each other, and on this little planet, I'll be damned if I am going to waste any precious moments trying to figure out how to hold onto it for myself. Rather I just will be a channel.... and let it flow right through.
So if you enjoy my work, or amazing art, or incredible film, or exceptional music, or even just thoughts that are worth sharing... come play...
Quote: " Better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing flawlessly." - R. Schully (via Violet Lee)

Here is just one of the many platforms where I will contribute the experiences of my journey. I will share that where I draw inspiration from, and my process of integrating it into my life, but with the purpose of have each individual who follows, find even if just for a moment how they are capable of drawing from inspiration, to BECOME INSPIRATION for another.
Its the only way I know how to do things. There is just too much beauty to behold, within each other, and on this little planet, I'll be damned if I am going to waste any precious moments trying to figure out how to hold onto it for myself. Rather I just will be a channel.... and let it flow right through.
So if you enjoy my work, or amazing art, or incredible film, or exceptional music, or even just thoughts that are worth sharing... come play...
Quote: " Better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing flawlessly." - R. Schully (via Violet Lee)
SUGGESTION::::See this movie:

So excited you have started a blog, and started sharing art in this way. I'll be here with bells on!