Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A Retrospection on Resurrection : Death awaits. Your move.

   I was contemplating the idea of ‘resurrection’ this past week, most obviously because of the holiday weekend, but in regards to my life and my work as well. The literal idea of death, in order to rise from it.  I began to embrace a meaning to this in regards to my creativity…and it has resonated for days.

   This “Easter” weekend kind of snuck up on me.  I have not celebrated “Easter” as the traditional celebration of the Catholic/Christian faith in over a decade.  The idea that Jesus Christ died for our sins, in order that we as a people may be saved and experience everlasting life. Rising from the grave in 3 days after being crucified to show all that death can be conquered, is a story I was all too familiar with, but have let it disappear into my memory.  The literal meaning of that story has always escaped me.  Even as a child, I had a hard time digesting the story for face value.  I always said to myself, there has to be a deeper, more universal meaning to all of this.  I have since then embraced a broader belief system that encompasses the parallel of many ideas when it comes to spiritualism… which has lead me to think about “resurrection” as how I speak on it today. The depth of the idea of where resurrection can exist in our lives.

  I read a quote my friend Violet sent me that said:

  “The resurrection gives my life meaning and direction and the opportunity to start over, no matter what my circumstances.” aR. Flatt

  A resurrection is by definition : act or instance of a dead person coming back to life. I thought of death and how so many of us are afraid of it.  Not just the literal sense of dying in the body, but the idea of something “dying”.  Losing something we know, have become accustomed to, or something we know we have control over.  Whether we enjoy “it” or not, is petrifying to most to lose it.  That is why it is so hard to leave a job or career choice, or a spouse, or lose weight, or try something new and unfamiliar.  Death is not pretty.  Death brings up human emotion (if we allow it to), and it exposes a lot of vulnerability, and rawness.  It evokes the question of “what am I to do, or who am I to be…without this?”. What is even scarier, is the answer: “ I don’t know.”  Or do you?

  Death commands the feeling and fear of just not knowing.  The fear of not knowing if you will love again, or find someone to love you, the fear of not making enough money, the fear of not being or knowing enough to be successful, the fear of trying something new and it fails, the fears expressing true feelings and being judged…and losing respect.  Hell, if everyone knew what happened to us after we died…for certain, do you think so many of us would be afraid of it? Or afraid of a life not fully lived before we meet the physical death?

  But alas death comes whether we like it or not.  I mean, have you ever gotten fired from a job you hated, or found out a mate was cheating on you in the midst of you both being unhappy?  You have the audacity to get pissed about it because you are scared of this “death” and seeming betrayal, but in essence if it wasn’t ripped from you, you would have never left, and slowly you died inside because of it anyway.  But here you are, naked, vulnerable, jobless, mate less and yet ready for a resurrection, in any form you wish it to be.

  Resurrection is bringing life back.  It can be bright, it can be loud, it is a surge of energy jolted back into that which is lifeless.  But by nature, it cannot happen without death.  And to willingly and consciously kill IT, or stop holding onto to IT and let it die, takes courage and a deeper knowing that transcends the initial “I don’t know”; that there is life is beyond death, passion, abundance, endurance, and satisfaction. There is another mate, another job, deeper respect, money…all of it.  But dare I say it takes faith to travel through the ground shaking earthquake, the incinerating fire of death to experience the fresh naked baby skin of life and its open road ahead.

  For me, I wrote about this because if has been a proven hypothesis again and again in the experiences of my life.  I have let go of things so they could die, and have experienced fear, and overwhelm due to the shock of the seemingly unknown. But this had to occur only to discover richness and creativity I never could have imagined.  In work, this has been leaving jobs to be freelance, saying no to small jobs so I could say yes to bigger ones, admitting I cannot do it alone so I could ask for help.  Even with creativity, its letting go of old methods of doing my art so I can discover new ways to get it done better.  With health it has been letting old habits die like excessive drinking, smoking, unconscious eating, so not only can I get more done, but have my body feel good while doing it.  With friends and family its been

  So I invite you to consider where in your life, resurrection wait for you, for a death to happen.  What wants to die if you let it such that resurrection can ensue and revitalize you and your purpose?  Abundance is letting go, and scarcity is holding on.  I trust one should not throw the baby out with the bath water, and take the lessons the dying thing has served to you. However one cannot stop that baby from growing into what its meant to be. 

Death is no more than passing from one room into another. But there's a difference for me, you know. Because in that other room I shall be able to see.

From my rotting body, flowers shall grow and I am in them and that is eternity.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

My Work with Mike Ruiz

As many of you may have been following on Face Book and Twitter, for the past few months I have created a new relationship with a very talented celebrity photographer, colleague, and friend Mike Ruiz.

You will find quite often through my experiences if I am very clear about what my next step is when it comes to my work, and I make it an intention, usually the Universe places the opportunity right in front of me in some way shape or form.  From there its up to me to say yes or no.  For example in this case, I had made a pact with myself that I would start shooting with 3 new photographers this year, AND that I would like to have more “men” in my book.  Not but two weeks after I put this intention out, Cory Bishop (my dearest friend/colleague I educate alongside at TEMPTU) had sent me a message saying that Mike Ruiz was looking for well established “body painters” to work with for the second edition of his book series called “Pretty Masculine”.  So I connected with Mike over email, and we started chatting about ideas, and next thing I know I am at the Eagles Nest Studio. Just to be clear, I was not just working on “some” more guys for my book, but seemingly an endless supply of the most physically fit muscular men you can imagine.  I had to laugh as the cliché’ echoed in my head “Be careful what you ask for……”

So where did the inspiration come from in the designs I did on these guys?  Well originally when Mike and I talked, we were clear that the body paint design should not take away from the shape and physique of the body.  So at first I decided to play with texture.  I am usually known for doing highly detailed work, and so I thought this was perfect opportunity to create looks with simple body paint, and play with different textures on the skin.  Here are some shots of the original pieces we did. Note these are behind the scenes or low res shots because the actual pictures are so sick, you gotta save some of it for the book.   But as you can see I played with fades of colors, and one of my signature favorite products: pure metallic pigment. Mixed with different mediums you can get this brilliant effect of liquid metal, that when contrasted on a dark background photographs amazing.   You can get this at two of my favorite makeup companies: Make Up For Ever, or Mehron.

This was so reminiscent of the days when I used to work with Jo Lance, because I was doing up to 5 guys a day, and coming up with the design on site, which is good practice for any artist because it has you release control in your artistry.  If I allow myself to get caught up in what it is "supposed to look like" then I may miss out on all those organic 'happy accidents' (yes I watched Bob Ross when I was little) that can only occur when you are not attached to a very specific look.  Now to be clear...this is NOT something you want to practice when a client is very specific on what THEY want, but in this case working with Mike, I think he wanted more "established" body artists so we could have this fee reign of creativity, and not base all our designs on his decisions.  Which I love.  It also highly depended on what guy sat in my chair...

The next few designs I did with Mike, I started integrating more detail into the design, and here is where a buzz was created based on what was posted on Face Book. This is one of the pieces I literally thought up on the spot, and turned out to be a great hit:

 This started a trend of more detailed work that is of course my cup of tea, and seeing the response from it  had us see that the artistry taken up a level, would not necessarily take away from the beauty of the male form.

 Interestingly enough, both Mike and I had an interest in the Roy Lichtenstein paintings from the 60's, and had both done it in some kind of capacity with our work.  I had done my piece at The Make Up Show Berlin in September... and kinda loved doing it! 

So began my Lichtenstein studies which blew up on social media.  Around this time my "LIKES" on my FB fan page went from 500 to 800 in one day.

and if we are going to do on pop artist, we might as well do another....


To be honest...I had a little panic attack doing this Marylin face...ha ha! Its one thing to do a very recognizable face on a flat piece of paper or canvas, and have all the proportions be correct so people get it right away....its another thing to do it on a very uneven surface, like say massively muscular male pecks! A relief to see that it turns out well, and if I wasn't sure, well after this my LIKES on my page went above 1000...

This prepared me for my final piece, which even I someone who never gets attached to her work, got a little verklempt of the thought of it being washed off. Again, here are some peeks, but the final product is truly outstanding sooo as to not give it all away...

Overall this was an amazing experience, and am truly grateful to Cory for guiding me to this opportunity, and I am also extremely grateful to Mike for giving me a platform to play with my creativity, and give  me the opportunity to contribute and be credited in his book.  A genuinely loving open soul, and I cannot wait for new adventures and projects with him.  

Monday, March 26, 2012

::Welcome to the BOA BLOG!::

  If you are reading this, it means you have some how, some where come across my work, and have either been intrigued or inspired to explore more into this unique wonderland I have created that is my life.  But what you may not know is, I have graciously invited you here, not just to find out more about me, or The Body of Art, but truly my intentions are focused toward YOU as a creative, inspiring being. To invite YOU to explore the lengths of your rabbit hole, into the wonderland of your life.

 Here is just one of the many platforms where I will contribute the experiences of my journey. I will share that where I draw inspiration from, and my process of integrating it into my life, but with the purpose of have each individual who follows, find even if just for a moment how they are capable of drawing from inspiration, to BECOME INSPIRATION for another.

  Its the only way I know how to do things.  There is just too much beauty to behold, within each other, and on this little planet, I'll be damned if I am going to waste any precious moments trying to figure out how to hold onto it for myself.  Rather I just will be a channel.... and let it flow right through.

 So if you enjoy my work, or amazing art, or incredible film, or exceptional music, or even just thoughts that are worth sharing... come play...


Quote:  " Better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing flawlessly." - R. Schully (via Violet Lee)

SUGGESTION::::See this movie: